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Campaigns Module Overview

You can search, view, add, edit, schedule or delete campaigns from within the campaigns module. It contains all created campaigns and provides several actions that can be performed on those campaigns.

Figure 1. Campaigns Module Layout

  1. Campaigns Module: Navigate to the campaigns module here.
  2. Campaigns Summary: This provides a summary of all campaigns that have been created.
  3. Campaign Status: You can use this toggle switch to start/stop any campaign).
  4. Monthly Test Count: This presents the total monthly test count for any particular campaign.
  5. Actions: These allow users to:
    1. View:
    2. Schedule:
    3. Edit:
    4. Delete:
  6. Add Campaign Button: Opens the Add Campaign Wizard.
  7. Search Filters: Use these filters to help refine results when searching for campaigns.

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