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Direct dial-in (DDI) or direct inward dialing (DID) as it is also known, is used by Cyara to allow direct connection to a conference bridge. Connecting directly to the bridge as a host or moderator allows Cyara to complete our audio quality testing by entering the conference using a specific dial-in number and passcode which are mapped together here in the DDI Module.

  1. DDI Module: This can be found here in the DDI tab, top of the page under the Numbers module.
  2. Filters: Search for any known Phonegroups, Regions or Bridges using the provided filters.
  3. Change DDI: This button is used to set or change a DDI number, or its associated IVR Traversal.
  4. Delete: When clicked it brings up a confirmation box to confirm the deletion of the DDI that has been mapped to the bridge. This will completely remove the number from the platform.
  5. DDI Table: Here you can see a list of all entries including a summary of the DDI number and IVR traversal if they have been assigned.
  6. Pagination: Here you can see the total amount of DDIs that are mapped. If there is more than one page of DDIs available, pagination will be available at the bottom left of the table. The enables navigation between each page.

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