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SIP Route Tester Overview

This article provides an overview of the SIP Route Tester module.

Using the SIP Route Tester configuration panels you can;
  • Create, Edit or Delete SIP Trunks in realtime.
  • Add custom Carrier, Caller Line Identity (CLI), and Carrier Prefix details to your SIP Trunks.

  1. SIP Trunk ModuleSIP Trunk module is nested here in a tab which is located along the top of the page under the Numbers module. It is split in two sections with the same layout.
  2. Carrier Details section allows you to Search/Add/Edit/View/Import/Export or Delete custom Carrier, Caller Line Identity (CLI), and Carrier Prefix details which can be used with your SIP Trunks.
  3. SIP Trunk section allows you to Search/Add/Edit/View/Import/Export or Delete your SIP Trunk details.
  4. Search function is provided on both tables.
  5. Summary of details and a list of Actions are available on both tables. Actions allow users to:
    1. Edit:Edit
    2. Delete:
  6. Add function is available on both tables.
  7. Import/Export options are available on both tables.

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