Filters enable you to selectively include or exclude data from your widgets, affecting all widgets across your dashboard.
Time Zone Filter
Each dashboard can have its own unique time zone. If you are using the split board feature the time zone will affect both boards. Selecting the time zone is a simple process. Follow the steps here to change your time zone.To set your time zone, do the following:
- Navigate to the Dashboard module of the platform (this can be found here in the left-hand navigation menu).
- Choose the dashboard you wish to edit from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the ‘Time Zone’ drop-down menu located top left of the dashboard and
select your desired time zone.
- Your task is complete.
Date Range Filter
- Choose from preset date ranges in the left column. The exact time of day can be adjusted above each calendar.
- Use the 'From Date' and 'To Date' fields at the top of the window to set the date and time.
- Select a start and end date directly on the calendar. The exact time of day can be adjusted above each calendar.
The Any of these, None of these Filter
- To add the first entry, you must click the white space inside the box to reveal the list of items.
- You can begin typing to narrow the list and find an item or use the scroll bar to scroll through the options.
- To make an entry you just click on an item, and it will then populate the box above.
- You can select further entries by clicking the white space inside the box and following the same process.
- To remove an item from the list, click the ‘X’ to the right of the item you wish to remove.
- After you have added all the items you wish to filter, click
ApplyNote: To completely remove a filter at any time, simply click the XCLEAR FILTERS
The Does or Does Not Contain Filter
To add an entry, you must click the white space inside the box. This will allow you to enter free text in the field.
After you have added the data, you wish to filter, click Apply
Note: To completely remove a filter at any time, simply click the XCLEAR FILTERS
The Contains or Exactly Matches Filter
You must then choose to add the data you wish to filter by selecting one of the following options.
Contains: This will give you the option to enter free text in the field. This means that any results containing what you have entered will either be included or excluded from the results depending on your choice in step 1.
Exact match: This will provide a drop-down menu where you can begin typing to narrow down your search results. This option will either include or exclude your selection from the results depending on your choice in step 1.
- After you have added the data, you wish to filter, click
ApplyNote: To completely remove a filter at any time, simply click the XCLEAR FILTERS
The Equals, less than equals, or Greater than equals Filter
- When using this filter, you can choose to filter by.
- Equals: This will give you the option to enter any value. The results will present only data that matches what you have entered.
- Less than or equals: This will give you the option to enter any value. The results will present only data that matches or is less than what you have entered.
- Greater than or equals: This will give you the option to enter any value. The results will present only data that matches or is greater than what you have entered.
- After you have added the value, you wish to filter, click
ApplyNote: To completely remove a filter at any time, simply click the XCLEAR FILTERS
The Min/Max Filter
This filter can be used in one of three different ways.
- Filter a number range by adding a minimum value and a maximum value. This will remove results above and below your set range.
- Filter out anything below a custom value by adding only a minimum value. This will remove all results below your set value.
- Filter out anything above a custom value by adding only a maximum value. This will remove all results above your set value.
- After you have added your values, click ApplyNote: To completely remove a filter at any time, simply click the XCLEAR FILTERS