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Import Numbers

Import numbers in bulk to save time. To perform this task you will need a CSV file containing the numbers and metadata you wish to import.

Tip: A quick way to create a CSV template is by exporting an existing group of numbers for the same application type you plan to import. Be sure to export numbers from the same application type to ensure compatibility. See Export Numbers for help with exporting numbers.

To import numbers in bulk, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Numbers module of the platform (this can be found here in the left hand navigation menu).
  2. Choose the Number Type (also known as an Application Type) from the drop-down menu, located top left of the page.
  3. Click the Vertical Ellipsis Icon(), and select Import (this is located in the upper right of the screen).
  4. Click Choose File, find the file you wish to import and click Update.
    Tip: Troubleshooting File Errors:
    1. File errors: If the import file contains any errors you will be alerted to them in a new window. You must edit the file by adding, updating or removing the conflicts. Then repeat Step 4.
      Figure 1. Number Import | Dialog Box

    2. Number of fields is incorrect. There should be 'X' fields in the file: If you receive this error, please ensure that you have selected the correct number type in Step 2 before importing the CSV file. If the problems persists, please Submit a Request and a support specialist will be able to assist you.
      Figure 2. Error | Incorrect Number of Fields

  5. Your task is complete.
Results: The page will refresh and the numbers you have imported will now be available to view when you load the numbers for that Number Type in the numbers module.

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