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Clear Snooze Alert

To ensure that a number is included in realtime alerting you will need to clear the Snooze Alert interval to switch alerts back on.

Restriction: Only users with Full Access rights can use the snooze alerts feature.

To reinstate alerts on a number, do the following;

  1. Navigate to the Snooze Alerts column in the Numbers module as outlined below.
    Figure 1. Illustration of the Navigation to the 'Snooze Alerts' Toggle Switch

    1. Navigate to the Numbers module of the platform (this can be found here in the left hand navigation menu).
    2. Use the search bar or the filters provided to search for the number(s) you wish to reinstate alerts on.
    3. Toggle the switch in the Snooze Alerts column to Off

  2. Wait a few moments for the page to refresh and you will then receive a confirmation message at the bottom of the screen so indicate that the alerts have been switched back on.
    Figure 2. Confirmation Message

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