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Edit IVR Traversal

To edit an IVR traversal, do the following:

Note: Editing an IVR that is in use will affect the call flow of all tests performed on numbers that have that particular IVR assigned.
  1. Navigate to the IVR Traversal module (this is nested here in a tab which is located along the top of the page under the Numbers module ).
  2. If the option to choose between Inbound and Outbound IVRs is available, please choose the appropriate option.
    Note: If you're unsure, the Inbound IVR is used in most cases)
  3. Use the search-bar provided to find the IVR Traversal you wish to edit.
  4. Click the Edit Iconto bring up the Edit IVR dialog box (this is located in the Actions column on the right of the table).
  5. After you have made the necessary edits, click the Update

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