Time groups are used to decide the frequency of testing and also to set the days on which tests should run.
The Time Groups page is where you can search, view, add, edit or delete timegroups. It contains all currently entered timegroups along with their status and a summary of each timegroups schedule
Note: Timegroups are a prerequisite for all of Spearline's tests.
- Time Groups Module: The Timegroups Module is nested in a tab which can be located along the top of the page under the campaigns module here.
- Search Filters: Use these filters to help refine results when searching for time groups.
- Add Timegroup: When clicked, this button brings up the Add Timegroup dialog box.
Actions: These allow users to:
- View: When clicked, this button brings up further information about the timegroup.
- Edit: When clicked, this button brings up the Edit Timegroup dialog box.
- Delete: When clicked, this button brings up a confirmation box to confirm the deletion of the timegroup.
- Timegroups List:This will indicate if the timegroup is active or inactive along with a summary of the timegroup settings.
- Pagination: If there is more than one page of timegroups available, pagination will be available at the bottom left of the table. The enables navigation between each page.
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