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Required fields for Importing SIP Details

SIP Trunk Requirements

When creating your .csv file there are a few things you should know.
  1. There are 14 fields expected per row.
    Table 1. Expected SIP Trunk Fields
    #Trunk Name: Enter the name of your SIP Trunk here. The name is limited to 40 characters and must not contain any character other than letters, numbers, and hyphens.
    Origination Country: Contact your CEM or Cyara Support if you wish to obtain a full list of Origination Country IPs.
    Termination Gateway: Choose either IP Trunk, Authorization or Authorization with Registration.Note: If ‘Authorization‘ or ‘Authorization with Registration’ is chosen it will add another level of security that requires further information to be added.
    Transport: Select the Transport type. Your options here are UDP, TCP or TLS
    Termination IP Address: Insert your Termination IP Address here.
    Port: Enter the Port number to be used for the SIP trunk. The port field can have any number in the range of 1 to 65565.
    SIP Domain: In most cases, this is not needed and may be left blank. This will ONLY be used for SIP Trunks where a domain is required for SIP calls.
    SIP Number: This is needed ONLY if the termination gateway is set to ‘Authorization with Registration’.
    Username: These are required if the termination gateway is set to ‘Authorization‘ or ‘Authorization with Registration’.
    Password: This is required if the termination gateway is set to ‘Authorization‘ or ‘Authorization with Registration’.
    From Username: This is required if the termination gateway is set to ‘Authorization‘ or ‘Authorization with Registration’.
    DTMF Mode: Choose how you would like to handle DTMF with your SIP trunk. Your options here are Inband, rfc2833 or Info.
    Codec Selection: Choose the appropriate codec to be used in line with your needs. Your options here are PCMU or PCMA.
    Dialing Format: Choose the dialing format to be used in line with your needs. Your options here are E164 or +E164.
  2. All fields are required, except where specified. Non required fields can be left empty.
  3. The SIP Trunk name is limited to 40 characters and must not contain any character other than letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  4. You can contact your CEM or Cyara Support if you wish to obtain a full list of Origination Country IPs.

Carrier Detail Requirements

When creating your .csv file there are a few things you should know.

  1. There are 3 fields expected per row.
    Table 2. Expected Carrier Detail Fields
    #Carrier Name: This is a mandatory field. The carrier name is used to identify the carrier through which you will test on your network.
    Carrier Prefix: This prefix is used to identify which of your carriers Cyara should dial out of your network with. The prefix would be supplied to you by your carrier and is typically placed between the country code and the dialing number when calling; for Example – USA 001 9996667 800 23456.
    Carrier Cli: This is a mandatory field. Whatever number is input here will show up as the CLI (Caller Line Identifier) on any calls made through this carrier. This defaults to the word ‘Spearline’.
  2. Carrier Prefix is a non-mandatory field.
  3. Non required fields can be left empty.
  4. The Carrier Name and Carrier Prefix are limited to 40 characters and must not contain any character other than letters, numbers, and hyphens.

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