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Realtime Reporting Table

The Reporting Table shows all previous calls made through the Voice Assure Realtime tester and provides further actions you can take with the call results.

Reporting Table Overview

Figure 1. Realtime Reporting Table

  1. Filter through all test data by Date, Country, User, Number, Number Type or Call Type.
  2. Reset filters.
  3. Export filtered data to a CSV file (comma separated values).
  4. Actions allow users to:
    1. | Listen to a recording (when listening to the audio the user also has the option to download it).
    2. | Redial a number
    3. | Schedule numbers for automated testing (Only available to Voice Assure In-country and Voice Assure Interstate customers).
  5. Call detail records (CDR's) are presented here. All call detail records (CDR's) contain the following information:
    • Country: (the country that the call was dialed from).
    • User: The person who made the call.
    • Number: The phone number the user dialed.
    • Call Type: The type of route that was used to make the call - PSTN or GSM.
    • Creation Time: The moment the user pressed the dial button.
    • Start Time: The moment the call connected.
    • End Time: The moment the call disconnected.
    • CLI Number: The caller line identity of the caller.
    • IVR Traversal:If an automated IVR traversal is used on the call it will be presented here.
    • Number Type: The type of number that was dialed. For example; Toll, Toll Free, etc...
    • Provider: The network provider and location that was used when placing the call.
    • State: The call state or description that has been assigned to the call. For example; Connected, Busy, etc...
    • Call Recordings: All recordings are provided as a link in the Actions column.
  6. Navigate through pages of all available test results here using pagination.

Redial a Number

The re-dial function is helpful for troubleshooting numbers in realtime and is available from the Actions column on all reporting dashboards. This includes the Voice Assure Realtime Reporting Table.

To re-dial a number, do the following:

  1. Use the search bar and filters provided to find the number you wish to dial.
  2. Click the Redial icon () in the 'Actions' column on the right side of the table for that number.
  3. Your task is complete.
Result: The Voice Assure Realtime softphone will appear in an overlay on the screen and the number will begin to dial.

Call Recordings

Download or Listen to any call recording once a call is complete.

Tip: Call recordings are available for all test types apart from connection tests. Once a call is complete, the call recording is uploaded to the platform for playback or download at any time.

To download or listen to a call recording, do the following:

  1. Search the reporting table for the test call that you would like to hear the recording of.
  2. Click the Speaker icon () to listen to the recording. This is located in the 'Recording' column if you're viewing the Analytics Dashboard, or the 'Actions' column if you're using Voice Assure Realtime.
    1. Voice Assure Realtime: If the Speaker Icon is Grey it means that the recording has not uploaded yet. Wait a few minutes and check again. Tip: If the call state returns as 'Busy' a call recording may not be available.
    2. Voice Assure In-Country: If you're unable to see the 'Recording' column on your dashboard please ensure that you have made the 'Recording' column visible in the Add/Remove Data Columns section.
  3. Click the Play button to listen to the recording, or click the Vertical Ellipsis icon () on the right of the player to access the download option and save the file to your computer or laptop.
Results: Your call recording will open up in a new tab where you can listen and scrub through the recording or download it if needed.
Figure 2. Media Player

Figure 3. Download Option

Set Table Filters

Use table filters to search or group your Voice Assure Realtime test results.

To filter results in the table, do the following:

  1. Use the date range filter to select the desired Start and End dates with your mouse or trackpad (the current date is highlighted in yellow). Adjust the month range using the arrow icons above each calendar grid.

  2. Use the drop-down menus for each option to search and select your desired filter. The drop-down will close and automatically refresh the page after each selection.

Results: Your filtered data will now be presented in the reporting table.

Reset Table Filters

Use the 'Reset' function to reset all filters back to their default setting.

To reset the Voice Assure Realtime table filters, do the following:

  1. Click the Reset button (located top right of the screen).
  2. Your task is complete.
Results: All filters have now been reset to default.

Export Realtime Call Reports

Call reports can be exported from the realtime reporting table at any time using any combination of date range and filters you would like to set.

To export realtime call reports, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Voice Assure Realtime module (this is located here in the left hand navigation menu).
  2. Use the filters provided to search the call records and find the details you wish to export.
  3. Click the Vertical Ellipsis icon to reveal the 'Export CSV' option (this is located top right of the reporting table).

  4. Select the 'Export CSV' option, and in the following dialog box choose where you would like to save the CSV file on your computer or laptop.
  5. Click the Save button to complete your task.
  6. Your task is now complete.
Result: Your report will now be available to view in the location where you saved it on your local machine.

Schedule Automated Testing

Schedule automated testing directly from the Voice Assure Realtime reporting dashboard.

To schedule numbers into automated testing, do the following:

  1. Use the filters provided to search the call records and find the number you wish to schedule for testing.
  2. Click the Schedule Icon to open up the Add Number dialog box (this is located in the Actions column on the right of the table).
  3. In the Add Number dialog box proceed to follow the steps for the relevant number type to add your number for scheduled testing (links are provided below).

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