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Add a SIP Trunk

Connect your SIP trunks to any of Cyara's global in-country servers to begin testing your outbound SIP trunks for audio quality.

To add a new SIP Trunk, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Numbers module of the platform (this can be found here in the left hand navigation menu).
  2. Select the SIP Trunk tab (this is nested in the tabs which can be located along the top of the page).
  3. Click the Add Sip Trunk button (located center left of the screen).
  4. In the "Add SIP Trunk" dialog box, fill out the required fields listed below.

    1. Trunk Name: (Mandatory) Enter the name of your SIP Trunk here.
    2. Origination Country: (Mandatory) Use the drop-down menu to select the origination country.
      Tip: IP must be white-listed on your firewall to enable testing.
    3. Copy IP: Click here if you would like to copy the selected origination country IP to your clipboard. This will need to be white-listed on your network.
    4. Termination Gateway: If Authorization is selected it will add another level of security which requires a Username and Password to be added.
    5. Transport: Select the Transport type from the drop-down menu.
    6. Termination IP Address:(Mandatory) Insert your Termination IP Address here.
    7. Port: (Mandatory) Enter the Port number to be used for the SIP trunk.
    8. SIP Domain: In most cases this is not needed. This will ONLY be used for SIP Trunks where a domain is required for SIP calling.
    9. Username: This is only needed if the termination gateway is set to Authorization.
    10. Password: This is only needed if the termination gateway is set to Authorization.
    11. DTMF Mode: Choose how you would like to handle DTMF with your SIP trunk.
    12. Codec Selection: Choose the appropriate codec to be used.
    13. Dialing Format: Choose the dialing format to be used.
    14. After Save: The after save menu gives you two options to choose from;
      1. Add a new SIP Trunk: This will simply dismiss the dialog box and add the newly created Trunk to the list.
      2. Edit this SIP Trunk: This will add the newly created trunk while keeping the current dialog box open to make any further edits.
    15. Add: Click the Add button.
  5. Your task is now complete.
Results: The page will refresh and your SIP Trunk will now be available for you to search, edit or delete in the SIP Trunks List.

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