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Edit Timegroup

How to edit a timegroup (time constraints).

Warning: Editing a timegroup will affect the scheduling for ALL campaigns that are using the timegroup. When editing a timegroup you will be alerted to which campaigns will be affected by your changes in a window at the bottom of the dialog box (Step 4-f).

To edit a timegroup, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Actions column within the Time groups module.
    Figure 1. Illustration of the Navigation to the Timegroup 'Actions' Section

    1. Navigate to the Timegroups module here (this is nested in a tab which can be located along the top of the page under the Campaigns module).
    2. Use the search bar and filters provided to find the timegroup you wish to edit.
    3. Click the EditActions column on the right hand side of the table.
  2. In the Edit Timegroup dialog box, change your timegroup as necessary.
    Figure 2. The 'Edit Timegroup' dialog box

    1. Name: Give your timegroup a name. This will appear in the timegroups overview and in all drop-down menus where you will select timegroups or time constraints.
    2. Interval: Use the drop-down menu to set the frequency of your tests. For example; minutes, hours, days, weeks, months etc..
      Tip: This interval is only used for Campaigns. It does not affect any Time Matrix which may be set for rolling tests.
    3. Run on days: Use the checkboxes to select the days on which you would like the campaign to run.
    4. Delete: Remove any Date Slots you do not need by clicking the Delete icon

      in the Actions column.
    5. Add Date Slots: Add new date slots by selecting a Start and End Date in the fields provided and then click the Add
      Tip: You can also choose not to have an end date by using the checkbox provided.
    6. Delete: Remove any Time Slots you do not need by clicking the Delete icon

      in the Actions column.
    7. Add Time Slots Add new time slots by using the sliders to select the time-frame for the tests to run. For example; between 08:00 + 18:00 hours. Click the Add
      Note: Use the radio buttons to indicate if you would like the tests to run 'Outside' the times you have set. Choosing 'Inside' will run the tests between the times selected. Choosing 'Outside' will run the test outside the times you have chosen.
    8. Warning: The section at the bottom highlights any other campaigns that are using the timegroup you are editing. Any changes you make will also affect the scheduling of those campaigns!
  3. When you have finished editing your timegroup click the Save

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