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Delete User

Delete users to completely remove all their details and access rights from the platform.

Note: Any user with Full Access rights can delete any other user. As a safety measure, if you are the last user who has Full Access rights, you cannot delete yourself.

To delete a user, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Admin module. (this can be found here in the left hand navigation menu).
  2. Use the search box at the top of the list to find the user you want. Enter a full or partial name or email address (e.g. Joe or
  3. Click the Delete Icon (this is located in the Actions column on the right of the table).
  4. A Delete Confirmation dialog box will appear. Verify that you have selected the correct user before clicking the OK
  5. Your task is now complete.
Results: The user will no longer be able to access the platform with their user credentials.

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