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How to perform a fast check

Use the upload function in the Fast Check module to upload your numbers in CSV format.

Note: If you can't see or access the 'Fast Check' feature in the left hand navigation menu, please contact your Customer Engagement Specialist who will assist you in having the feature added.

To perform a fast check of your numbers, do the following;

  1. Navigate to the Fast Check module on the platform (this can be found here in the left hand navigation menu).
  2. Upload or drag and drop your CSV file in the section provided.

    Tip: If you need help to create your CSV file you can download a Sample CSV and the Two Letter Country Codes List to get you started. When adding country information to your CSV files you must use the abbreviated country codes listed here.
  3. If the import is successful you can activate the campaign by clicking the TEST NOW

  4. Your task is complete.
Results: Your numbers are now being scheduled for fast check testing. When the campaign has completed the results will be sent to the email associated with your account

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