Integration can be achieved using Webhooks. To integrate interactive alerts into your
Slack environment, follow these steps.
To integrate interactive alerts into your Slack environment, you must first generate
a Slack Webhook and share it with your account manager. They will then configure the
alerts to be sent to your Slack channel.
To create an incoming webhook in Slack, do the following:
Create a Slack app:
- Go to and click "Create New App"
Choose a name and select a workspace to associate your app
- Click "Create App"
Enable Incoming Webhooks:
- After creating the app, you will be redirected to the app's settings
page (if you are using an existing app, just load its settings
via your app's management dashboard).
- From here, click on the "Incoming Webhooks" feature in the
navigation menu on the left.
Toggle the switch to "Activate Incoming Webhooks"
Add the Webhook to a channel:
- Scroll down to the "Add New Webhook to Workspace" section and click
"Add New Webhook to Channel"
Select the channel you want to post incoming messages to, then
click "Allow" to finalize your selection.
Obtain the Webhook URL: The app's settings page should refresh, and you
should now see the Webhook URL in the "Webhook URLs for Your Workspace"
Copy the URL and send it to your Cyara Customer Engagement Manager. They
will then discuss with you which details you would like to have included in each
Tip: Alerts can be ready to send in as little
as 30mins.