Alerts from Cyara can notify you in real-time about specific issues, such as call failures or audio quality dropping below a custom threshold. All alerts are verified by Cyara before they are sent to you. This ensures the chance of receiving a false alert is significantly reduced.
There are a number of alert policies available, depending on your unique business requirements and business needs.
- Fail Alerts
- Follow-up Alerts
- Quality Alerts
- PESQ Drop Alerts
- Usage Alerts
Fail alerts
Fail alerts inform the user of a failure with a specific number or group of numbers. The user can specify the numbers to receive alerts on, the types of fail states to be alerted on (e.g. busy, silence, disconnected calls), a snooze interval, a maximum number of alerts, a threshold for the number of tests run before an alert is sent, and the method of receiving the alerts (email, phone, webhook).
Follow-up alerts
Follow-up alerts are notifications sent to inform the user of the results of tests that are run on a number that has been marked as “busy” by the Cyara support team. The user can configure the following settings to make the alerts more effective:
- Number of tests: how many follow-up tests should be run when a number is marked as busy
- Snooze interval: the time period after an alert is sent before another alert is sent for the same number
- Maximum number of alerts: the maximum number of alerts the user wants to receive
- Number of verification levels and tests on each level: how many levels of follow-up tests are required and how many tests should be run on each level
- Frequency of follow-up tests: how often follow-up tests should be run after a number is marked as busy
- Test route: whether to test the number through a mobile or fixed-line route or both
- Report settings: whether to receive a report at the end of a verification level based on certain conditions (e.g. any test failed, all tests failed, completion of follow-up, or no report at all)
Quality alerts
Quality alerts are notifications that inform the user when the PESQ quality score of a test falls below a specified threshold. The PESQ (Perception of Speech Quality) score is a measure of the quality of speech on a phone call. The user can specify the PESQ threshold and will receive alerts via phone, email, or webhook when a test scores below this threshold. The Cyara support team will verify the test results before sending an alert to ensure that poor quality is accurately identified. Quality alerts work similarly to fail alerts, the only difference being that a PESQ quality score threshold is used as the criteria for sending an alert.
PESQ drop alerts
PESQ drop alerts are notifications that inform the user when the average PESQ score for a certain period falls below a specified threshold. The PESQ (Perception of Speech Quality) score is a measure of the quality of speech on a phone call. The user can set up alerts on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and can set the threshold as a custom value, the voice assure in-country benchmark, or the average of the previous period. This alert is useful for monitoring and identifying the change in the quality of service over a period of time and taking necessary action if the quality falls below the threshold.
Usage Alerts
Usage alerts are notifications that inform the user when they have reached a certain percentage of their agreed minimum monthly usage. This is useful for monitoring usage and avoiding additional charges for tests outside the contracted usage amount. The user will receive an alert via email when the agreed usage threshold is reached, allowing them to keep track of their monthly usage and stay within their contractual obligations.
Benefits of Realtime Alerts
- Peace of mind: Alerts prompt corrective action. What’s more, this action improves the quality and reliability of your telecoms infrastructure and, ultimately, your overall customer experience.
- Reduce troubleshooting time: Alerts are sent once an issue is detected with one of your tests. This lets you decide in real-time what steps are needed to fix the issue. Moreover, it ensures minimal disruption to your business and customers.
- Personally verified by Cyara: Cyara’s dedicated 24/7 365 support team will personally verify any issues that arise before the alert is issued.
- Remove any false failures: As Cyara’s support team personally verify any issues that occur, it significantly removes the chance of false alerts occurring. This means time spent investigating issues that don’t exist is virtually eliminated.
- Customized to your specific numbers and unique requirements: You decide on the numbers you want to set up the alerts for. These could be your highest revenue-generating numbers or your high-priority numbers. If you are unsure which numbers to set up alerts for, your Cyara Customer Engagement Manager will be more than happy to assist. You can also decide what countries you would like to test your numbers in and the test frequency.
- Free of charge: voice assure alerts are available at no additional cost to our customers. All you need to do is contact your Cyara Customer Engagement Manager to set up the alerts on the voice assure platform.