The One UI design was introduced to help customers, who may be using multiple Cyara products, to switch between those products quickly and easily. Secondary to this ease of use case, it was also designed to provide useful information about other available products that may be suited to a customer’s business needs.
The Benefits of One UI
- Users can login to other products that they already have accounts for directly from the UI without the need to navigate away.
- Users can switch back and forth between platforms quickly and easily to perform tasks seamlessly.
- Users can choose to learn more about other products that they are interested in and request a demo or create an account directly from the interface.
Time saving
Removing the need for the user to open new tabs and login to other products will save time and effort for the user.
Easier switching
Switching between platforms is made easier by providing the same look and feel across all products. Once a user has switched platforms, the process to switch back and forth remains the same by having the icon in the same place across all platforms. The platform which is currently logged into is easily identified by a check mark.
My products
Clicking on the new One UI option, accessible from the main menu navigation on all products, will present the user with access to products that the user is already signed up for. These will be shown in a ‘My product’ section at the top of the window, which will enable easy switching between accounts.
Explore more products
Clicking on the new One UI option will also present an Explore more products
section which will present all products that the user does not currently have an
account for. This will allow users to explore other Platforms/Products that are
available which may be of interest.