Widgets can be simple, such as a text box, or more complex, such as comparison charts or interactive maps. Widgets provide quick access to important information and functionality.
Widgets are graphical user interfaces that display, and allow you to interact with, Voice Assure test results. Widgets can be simple, such as a text box, or more complex, such as comparison charts or interactive maps. Widgets provide quick access to important information and functionality. They can be customized and rearranged according to your preferences, making them a flexible and powerful tool for interacting with your test results.
Audio Quality Breakdown | Pie Chart
Audio quality performance is shown as a pie chart for the chosen date range. Tests
are broken down by PESQ Score and include the number of tests that led to the score
along with the percentage of overall tests.
Audio Quality Breakdown | Bar Chart
Audio quality performance is shown as a bar chart for the chosen date range.
Performance is broken down by PESQ Score and includes the number of tests that led
to the score along with the percentage of overall tests.
Audio Quality per Carrier
Audio quality performance per carrier is shown as a bar chart for the chosen date
range. PESQ scores provide an average of each carrier's performance across all
countries that you are testing in. To get carrier performance data for a specific
country or group of countries you can use the global filters to filter information
for the required countries only. When filtering in this way you can also choose to
filter down to a single country which will reveal the Cyara audio quality benchmark
for that country and show you how the carrier(s) you are using in that country
compare when measured against the benchmark.
Audio Quality per Country
Audio quality performance per country is shown as a bar chart for the chosen date range. The PESQ scores provided are the average performance for each country that you are testing in.
Audio Quality Benchmark
To get PESQ data for a specific country or group of countries you can use the global
filters to filter information for the required countries only. When filtering in
this way you can also choose to filter down to a single country which will then
reveal the Cyara audio quality benchmark for that country and show you how
your in-country PESQ scores compare when measured against the benchmark.
Audio Quality Trend | Bar Chart | Days
The average audio quality performance across all countries is shown as a bar chart for the chosen date range.
To get the audio quality trend for a specific country or group of countries you can
use the global filters to filter information for the required countries only. When
filtering in this way you can also choose to filter down to a single country which
will then reveal the Cyara audio quality benchmark for that country and show you how
your in-country PESQ scores are trending when compared to the in-country
Audio Quality Trend | Stacked Area Line Chart | Days
The average audio quality performance across all countries is shown as a stacked line chart. This chart compares the minimum, maximum, and average scores tested over chosen date range.
To get the audio quality trend for a specific country or group of countries you can
use the global filters to filter information for the required countries only. When
filtering in this way you can also choose to filter down to a single country which
will then reveal the Cyara audio quality benchmark for that country and show you how
your in-country PESQ scores are trending when compared to the in-country
Post-Dial Delay Breakdown
Post-dial delay (PDD) issues are highlighted in a pie chart for the chosen date
range. Tests are broken down by International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
standards. As per ITU standards, any call with a PDD of 8 seconds or more is
considered unacceptable. The results shown include the number of tests where PDD was
above and below the threshold along with the percentage of overall tests.
Post-Dial Delay per Country
PDD per country is shown as a bar chart for the chosen date range. The PDD times provided are the average performance for each country that you are testing in. Countries are ordered left to right from best to worst.
To get PDD data for a specific country or group of countries you can use the global
filters to filter information for the required countries only.
Data Table
We've redesigned our analytics table to a new and improved data table widget for a more user-friendly experience.
Filters: Global filters affect all widgets contained in a dashboard. They can be used to filter information in or out of your widgets, and depending on the type of information you are filtering you will be given one of five different filter types to help you filter.
Grouping/Sorting: Sort your data in ascending or descending order by using the sorting function. Get a better understanding of your data with the grouping feature. Group by specific criteria, such as countries, and view averages along with the total number of entries. Group multiple columns to uncover deeper insights.
Add/Remove/Arrange: Data You can now rearrange your table for a fully customized experience.
Share Dashboard: Need to share your dashboard with others? You can now directly share your dashboard, along with all its settings, with your teams and colleagues.
Bulk actions: Create campaigns, run batch tests, or simply compare two or more numbers using bulk actions.
Pagination: Large sets of data are broken up into several smaller, more easily digestible sections, which are then displayed on separate pages. This enables quicker loading times and includes navigation buttons that allow you to move back and forth between pages, as well as an indicator showing you the current page.
Maps - Audio Quality
Maps help you visualize your data geographically and can help quickly indicate where
issues are occurring.
Clicking on any country will drill down to that specific country and reveal further insights such as.
- OVERVIEW: Key statistics and failing numbers.
- ISSUES: List of numbers that are experiencing issues, the time of failure, and the reason.
- CARRIERS: List of carriers used, total calls placed, and the average audio quality score for each carrier.
Fax Detected Breakdown
Fax connectivity is shown as a pie chart for the chosen date range. Tests are broken down by test results. Each result is shown as a percentage and includes the total number of tests returned with that result.Connection Breakdown
Call connectivity is shown as a pie chart for the chosen date range. Tests are broken down by test results. Each result is shown as a percentage and includes the total number of tests returned with that result.Connection Per Country
Connection per country is shown as a bar chart for the chosen date range. Each country shows a bar which represents call connectivity for that country over the given date range.- Blue indicates results that are above the set threshold of 99.9%.
- Red indicates results that are under that threshold.
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