
A Campaign is a collection of numbers which are grouped together and tested over a period of hours, days, weeks or months depending on the need. For example: Run tests for all numbers in the UK for company X at a specific interval and then populate the results in a single report.


  • Campaigns Module Overview

    You can search, view, add, edit, schedule or delete campaigns from within the campaigns module. It contains all created campaigns and provides several actions that can be performed on those campaigns. Figure 1. Campaigns Mod...

  • Add Campaign (Standard)

    How to add a standard test campaign. Note: To complete this task, ensure at least one number is entered in the Numbers module. You cannot complete this task without this requirement. Add Number - Enterprise/Contact Center Add Numb...

  • Edit Campaign

    Sometimes it may be necessary for you to edit the numbers in a campaign or add a new timegroup or report recipient. This can be done using the Edit action within the Campaigns module. Note: You cannot change the Number Type, Campai...

  • Delete Campaign

    Delete a campaign to prevent any further campaigns from being scheduled. Warning: This action will not affect the running of campaigns that are already in progress. This will prevent any further campaigns from ...