
Powerful filters can be applied to test results to present data in various ways. You can use filters to add/remove certain data, find meaningful patterns in test results and to highlight various issues to stakeholders.

  • Dashboard Filters

    The main filters which can be found at the top off all dashboards. They are used to narrow down your search results within the results table by adding one or more conditions to the results that are displayed To begin filteri...

  • Date Range Filter

    Filter results by date to narrow results down to a particular time frame Navigate to the Dashboard module of the platform (this can be found here in the left hand navigation menu). Choose the dashboard you wish to a...

  • Columns Filters

    Group results together for a selected column using column filters. Grouping can be used Find the column you want to apply the filter to. Click the column name in the header of the column. Expected result: Depending on the data ...

  • Clear All

    To clear all groupings and return the table and columns to their default settings simply click the Clear All To reset all column grouping, do the following: Navigate to the Dashboard module of the platform (t...

  • Reorder results within a Column

    Reorder column data to show results in ascending or descending alphabetical order. There are three available options for reordering the results in a column; Note: It is not possible to edit the Default dashboard's co...

  • Reset Dashboard

    Use the Reset function to reset everything back to its default setting. This includes all filters, grouping and column ordering. To reset your dashboard, do the following: Navigate to the Dashboard module of the ...