Number Management
You can search, add, edit or delete numbers from within the numbers module. It contains all currently entered numbers and their associated metadata, and provides several actions that can be performed on those numbers.
Add Number - Enterprise/Contact Center
How to add an enterprise or contact center number to the testing platform. Note: To complete this task you will need to have at least one IVR Traversal and one Timegroup created. If you have already created these re...
Add Number - Conference
How to add a conference number to the testing platform. Note: To complete this task you will need to have at least one IVR Traversal and one Timegroup created. If you have already created these requirements you may ...
Edit Number
Numbers can be edited at any time in the numbers module using the EditActions column. Note: If you would like to edit numbers in bulk it is best to use the number ExportImport Export Numbers Import N...
Delete Number
Numbers can be deleted at any time using the DeleteActions column of the Numbers module. Note: If you would like to delete several numbers at once you can use the Bulk Actions delete function. To delete a number from the pl...
Import Numbers
Import numbers in bulk to save time. To perform this task you will need a CSV file containing the numbers and metadata you wish to import. The quickest way to create this CSV file is to export an existing group of numbers and...
Export Numbers
Export numbers in bulk to make edits to them or to create a template for importing new numbers to the platform. You can export all numbers from within a Number Type or you can use filters to export specific groups of numbers....